Home > Blossary: The Beautiful Casablanca
Casablanca is the leading city hosting headquarters and main industrial facilities for the leading Moroccan and international companies based in Morocco. Industrial statistics show Casablanca retains its historic position as the main industrial zone of the country. The Port of Casablanca is considered as Morocco's chief port and as one of the largest artificial ports in the world. It is also the largest port of the Maghreb and North Africa.

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Created by: Marouane937

Number of Blossarys: 58

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Comme de coutume, c'est dans les souks que l'on trouvera les produits de l'artisanat traditionnel . La virée shopping peut commencer dans l'ancienne médina par Bab El Jedid. Cette porte donne sur le ...

Domain: Retail; Category: Shopping

La Mosquée Hassan II est un monument incontournable. Erigée sur l'eau, elle impressionne par ses proportions et sa finesse. Le minaret de la Mosquée Hassan II, construit dans la tradition ...

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

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